About Anthony Stringer

Anthony is a skilled IT professional with over 12 years of experience in the field. He began his career by attending a trade school and quickly established himself as a knowledgeable and capable consultant. Anthony’s expertise lies in Microsoft 365, Azure, and PowerShell, and he is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in these technologies. Throughout his career, Anthony has helped numerous companies transition their infrastructure to the cloud, utilizing his expertise in various migrations. He is known for his ability to guide clients through complex IT challenges with ease and provide effective solutions. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Anthony is also proud of his recent achievement: building a raspberry pi-based arcade machine, which has become a popular attraction at weekend gatherings. Beyond his professional pursuits, Anthony is an avid maker, constantly exploring new hobbies and crafts. His current interests include photography, 3D printing, and bread baking, which he pursues in his spare time.

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