Technology: How it Benefits Small Business

Who doesn’t want to streamline accounting, better manage costs, and connect with customers? Excellent article on #growthhacks for small business. Check out the article:

#Microsoft #Technology #IT #BusinessAutomation

Crash Course in Microsoft Teams

Find out how your #nonprofit team can work more efficiently without complex tools by checking out the “Crash Course in Microsoft Teams” eBook, brought to you by @msftnonprofits. Discover how to start using Microsoft Teams to communicate instantly and easily:

• Chat, online meetings, calls
• File-sharing, recording, transcription
• Real-time co-editing
• Collaboration inside and outside the organization

#Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation @Microsoft-365 @Office365

The Dynamic Duo: BI360 & Power BI

Solver combines two leading tools—BI360 and Power BI—to provide the best in corporate performance management and business intelligence. Together, this dynamic duo enables you to make world-class decisions for your organization. Watch this short webinar to learn how you can make better and faster decisions with Solver, and contact UniverseIT to get started. #BI #CPM