Bootiful Azure: Taking Your First Steps with Microsoft Azure (1/6)

If you’re a developer using Spring Boot to develop your applications and are interested in using Microsoft Azure as your base, check out this mini-series. It walks you through the advantages of Microsoft Azure as a platform for your applications and ways to leverage its unique advantages to get the most out of your creation.

Still have questions? UniverseIT is here to support your business in everything from the selection of the right platform to match your needs to taking your application to the next level. Contact us to learn more.

Do more with Microsoft Teams

Is your #nonprofit ready to do more by working smarter?

View “Do more with Microsoft Teams,” brought to you by @msftnonprofits, to see how your team can collaborate, meet, and share in a more open, fluid, and modern workspace. #Tech4Good #DigitalTransformation

RapidDeploy case study

Would you rather spend your limited time and money on advancing your #nonprofit mission or security operations?

Read “RapidDeploy helps first responders defend public safety with Azure Sentinel,” a #casestudy from @MSFTNonprofits, to learn how this #nonprofit is protecting more people from harm with this powerful and cost-effective security information and event management #SIEM system from Microsoft. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation